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How to become Lawyer in austrila with full details

Becoming a lawyer in Australia involves completing specific educational and practical requirements. Here is a general overview of the steps you need to take:

Educational Requirements:

  • Undergraduate Degree:

Start with a bachelor's degree. While there isn't a specific requirement for the type of degree, many law students choose to study a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or a combined degree that includes law.

  • Prerequisite Subjects: 

Ensure that you take the necessary prerequisite subjects for entry into a law degree. These subjects may vary by university, so check the admission requirements of the specific law school you're interested in.

Law School Admission Test (LSAT):

  • Some law schools may require you to take the LSAT as part of the admission process. Check the requirements of the law schools you're applying to.

Law School:

  • Complete a Juris Doctor (JD) or Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree at an accredited law school. This typically takes three to four years full-time.

Practical Legal Training (PLT):

  • After completing your law degree, you need to undertake practical legal training. PLT can be done through a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice or as part of a Practical Legal Training program. This practical training is essential to gain hands-on experience in legal practice.

Admission as a Legal Practitioner:

  • Apply for admission as a legal practitioner with the relevant state or territory admission authority. This process usually includes submitting documents such as proof of completion of a law degree and practical legal training, character references, and sometimes an interview.

Admission Exam (if required):

  • Some jurisdictions in Australia may require you to pass an admission exam before being admitted to practice law. Check the requirements of the specific jurisdiction in which you plan to practice.

Ongoing Professional Development:

  • Once admitted, lawyers in Australia are required to engage in ongoing professional development to maintain their practicing certificate.

Specialization (Optional):

  • Consider specializing in a specific area of law by gaining further qualifications or experience.

Join a Legal Practice:

  • Seek employment with a legal firm, government department, or other organizations to gain practical experience.

Membership in a Professional Organization:

  • Consider joining a professional organization such as the Law Society or Bar Association in your state or territory.
It's crucial to note that requirements may vary slightly between different states and territories in Australia, so it's essential to check with the legal admission authority in the specific jurisdiction where you intend to practice. Additionally, staying informed about any changes in admission requirements is crucial throughout your educational and professional journey.

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